IBC 2024: Happy Hour and Party List

Getting crazy what happy hours, events and parties to go to during IBC? We’ve made it easy for you to find the best happy hours, events and parties happening during IBC that relate to CDN, Streaming and OTT. We ensure that you don’t miss out on any of the fun and relevant networking opportunities.

Whole list below
Please note that we don’t publish any private events which some organizations do offer unless they ask us to. Feel free to share this page with others who you think might benefit from having this list. We believe that everyone should have a fantastic time at IBC!

We value your input and want to make sure our list is as comprehensive as possible. Please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. We appreciate your help in making our event list even better.

Don’t forget that you can meet with our board members at one of the events. Do let us know at [email protected] what happy hour or party you would like to meet up with one of us. Or better: set up a meeting directly during IBC directly here! We hope to see you there!

Latest update: 04-September



Free Beer Hours by Varnish Software
Friday From 3:00pm-6:00pm at IBC, Varnish Software Booth (5.A33), Free Attendance

Signature Cocktails by Gcore
Friday From 04:00pm-05:30pm at IBC, Gcore Booth (5.H14), Free Attendance

Free Beer Hours by Varnish Software
Saturday From 3:00pm-6:00pm at IBC, Varnish Software Booth (5.A33), Free Attendance

CDN Alliance Connect 2024 by CDN Alliance, sponsored by Byteplus, Unified Streaming, 3Q, NovoServe, StorJ, and CDN77
Saturday from 5:30pm-9:30pm at Knijn Bowling & Restaurant, RSVP Required
See: Event Page

Happy Hour by Ceeblue
Saturday From 5:45pm-7:00pm at IBC, Ceeblue Booth (5.D54), Free Attendance

Free Beer Hours by Varnish Software
Sunday From 3:00pm-6:00pm at IBC, Varnish Software Booth (5.A33), Free Attendance

IBC Networking Event by SVTA & DASH-IF Working Group
Sunday from 06:30pm-09:30pm at Tobacco Theater, RSVP Required
See: Event Page

ALL RELEVANT EVENTS (listed by date)


Free Beer Hours by Varnish Software
From 03:00pm-6:00pm at IBC, Varnish Software Booth (5.A33), Free Attendance

Signature Cocktails by Gcore
From 04:00pm-05:30pm at IBC, Gcore Booth (5.H14), Free Attendance

Cocktail Hour by System73 & Arqiva
From 04:00pm-05:00pm at IBC, System73 Booth (5.F18), Free Attendance

Happy Hour by MUX
From 04:00pm-06:00pm at IBC, MUX Booth (5.F88), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

Cocktail Hour by Norigin Media, Simply TV & Media Distillery
From 04:30pm-06:00pm at IBC, Relevant Booths (5.H73, 5.H75, 5.H76), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

NPAWRTY by NPAW, RedgeMedia, Castlabs & 2Coders
From 04:30pm-06:00pm at IBC, NPAW Booth (5.G76), Free Attendance
See: Event Page

Panel ‘The Power of On-Prem’ + Happy Hour by G&L
From 04:30pm-06:15pm at IBC, G&L Booth (14.C05), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

Happy Hour by Comcast Technology Solutions
From 04:30pm-06:00pm at IBC, Comcast Technology Solutions Booth (5.C80), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

NIP & Bites Cocktail Event by Inverto
From 05:00pm-06:00pm at IBC, Inverto Booth (1.A847), Free Attendance

Belgian Beers by THEO Technologies
From 05:00pm-07:00pm at IBC, THEO Technologies Booth (5.A87), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

Happy Hour by Viaccess Orca
From 05:00pm-06:00pm at IBC, Viaccess Booth (1.A51), Free Attendance

Drinks by DVB
From 05:00pm-07:00pm at IBC, DVB Booth (1.B71), Free Attendance

IBC Pride Happy Hour by Quickplay, Google Cloud & Caretta Research
From 05:00pm-07:00pm at IBC, The Traveller Restaurant, RSVP Required
See: Event Page

Cocktails & Conversations by Brightcove
From 05:00pm-08:00pm at IBC, The Traveller Zuid, RSVP Required
See: Event Page

Merapar Baa-rty! by Merapar
From 07:00pm-late at Live Amsterdam Pianobar, RSVP Required
See: Event Page


Free Beer Hours by Varnish Software
From 3:00pm-6:00pm at IBC, Varnish Software Booth (5.A33), Free Attendance

Happy Hour by MUX & Fastly
From 04:00pm-06:00pm at IBC, MUX Booth (5.F88), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

Zattoo’s BoothBash by Zattoo
From 04:00pm-06:00pm at IBC, Zattoo Booth (5.A92), Free Attendance

Happy Hour by Comcast Technology Solutions
From 04:30pm-06:00pm at IBC, Comcast Technology Solutions Booth (5.C80), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

NPAWRTY by NPAW, RedgeMedia, Castlabs & 2Coders
From 04:30pm-06:00pm at IBC, NPAW Booth (5.G76), Free Attendance
See: Event Page

Happy Hour by Viaccess Orca
From 05:00pm-06:00pm at IBC, Viaccess Booth (1.A51), Free Attendance

Forum Cocktail Reception by RIST
From 05:00pm-06:00 at IBC, SipRadius Booth (5.F43), Free Attendance

Back at the Brewery! by Cloud Native Media
From 05:00pm-08:00pm at Brouwerij Troost, RSVP Required
See: Event Page

CDN Alliance Connect 2024 by CDN Alliance, sponsored by Byteplus, Unified Streaming, 3Q, NovoServe, StorJ, and CDN77
From 5:30pm-9:30pm at Knijn Bowling & Restaurant, RSVP Required
See: Event Page

Happy Hour by Ceeblue
From 5:45pm-7:00pm at IBC, Ceeblue Booth (5.D54), Free Attendance

META Meetup
From 06:30pm-09:30pm at TAPZUID, RSVP Advised
See: Event Page


Happy Hour by Bitmovin & Irdeto
From 04:00pm-07:00pm at IBC, Irdeto Booth (1.D52), Free Attendance

Happy Hour by Comcast Technology Solutions
From 04:30pm-06:00pm at IBC, Comcast Technology Solutions Booth (5.C80), RSVP Advised
See: Event Page

NPAWRTY by NPAW, RedgeMedia, Castlabs & 2Coders
From 04:30pm-06:00pm at IBC, NPAW Booth (5.G76), Free Attendance
See: Event Page

Happy Hour by Viaccess Orca
From 05:00pm-06:00pm at IBC, Viaccess Booth (1.A51), Free Attendance

IBC Networking Event by SVTA & DASH-IF Working Group
From 06:30pm-09:30pm at Tobacco Theater, RSVP Required
See: Event Page

For more happy hours and events not specifically related to CDN, Streaming and OTT, please take a look at https://www.broadcastprojects.com/news/ibc-2024-party-amp-event-list.